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A truly awe inspiring trip for LENZI. From Paris to Prague to the peaks of Austria, the canals of Venice, the fireworks in Rome along with the wealthy in Monaco and the sandstone in Provence, we captured it all with our cameras and it is here for you to see. Join us as we explore how the Europeans spend their Christmas magic and how these countries inspire us to pick up our cameras and start creating. In this arraignment of photographs you will see everything we saw but through our lenses. You fill find Gondolas taxing people on the canals of Venice, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, Fireworks on New Years Eve in Rome as well as the History packed Colosseum next to the Roman Forum. This was truly an awesome trip that opened our eyes about the wonders our world has and the beauty we normally on hear about and see on social media but never truly experience. Through these photographs we hope to share our amazing experiences with you. 

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